Getting to grips with the explosive demand for quality veneers

We’ve talked before about the increasing importance placed on veneers, and the explosive demand for veneers in recent years. A patient today isn’t just looking for a healthy and functional restorative solution: They also want an aesthetically pleasing result. All-ceramic veneers, being both biocompatible and aesthetically pleasing, are rapidly growing in popularity. IPS e.max allows…

The ethics of aesthetics, Part 3 – The trouble with selling

Cosmetic dentistry’s rise to public awareness carries a delicate question about ‘selling.’ As we established ealier, the private dentist must operate as a business, and will often use aesthetic dissatisfaction as the genesis of a treatment plan. We also established that this is acceptable behaviour in today’s age of demand for aesthetic treatments. However, we…

Despite the fact that these veneers quite often, and quite quickly fell off, they were quickly embraced – History of the veneer

We all know what a veneer is, and many reading this will be well versed in how to apply them to a patient. However, do we all know where the veneer came from, from its humble roots to its explosion in celebrity? I’ll explore this history, in case a patient or partner ever asks. Dental…

It’s a fact: Failures occur. Dealing with risk in aesthetic treatments.

It doesn’t matter if it is called aesthetic dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, or even elective dentistry, in the past few years the talk about, and demand for this type of service has exploded. Television talk-shows, Internet pop-ups, advertising for over-the-counter products in every media have raised the awareness of the general public to this…

Dental Veneers – The Origins

Dental veneers were invented in the 1930s by Charles Pincus, founder of the American Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, and were introduced in “Building mouth personality”, a paper presented to the California State Dental Association at its1937 meeting in San Jose, California. Despite the fact that these early veneers quite often, and quite quickly fell off,…

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers And Smile Makeovers Before and After: Dental veneers are used to change the look of the smile by reshaping the teeth and helping to realign the bite. Most people will suffer at least some type of problem with their shape, length, color, alignment, or general structure once in their lives. There are a…